
This keyword covers all studies, reports and political guidelines published within the framework of a European institution on topics that also affect young people in Luxembourg.

„Social policy with implications for young people is formulated and implemented at several levels. With increasing globalisation, supranational agencies such as the European Union are playing a part in the development of policy […] The Council of the European Union established a framework for European cooperation in the field of youth (known as the Youth Cooperation Framework) in June 2002 and the Bologna process of 1999 set up a European Higher Education Area. The Lisbon Strategy (from 2000 onwards) has resulted in a development plan for the economy of the European Union […]. In 2005 the European Council established the European Youth Pact as it saw a need for young people to benefit from a range of policies. The Youth Pact promotes a spectrum of policies aiming to improve the education, training, mobility, vocational integration and social inclusion of young people across the continent. In 2010, and as part of the Europe 2020 strategy, ‘Youth on the Move’ (European Commission, 2011) was launched and is a package of policy initiatives on education and employment for young people in Europe. Consequently, Lawn (2006: 272) talks of a ‘European learning space’.“

Reference: Cieslik, M., & Simpson, D. (2013). Young people and social policy. In Key Concepts in Youth Studies. Sage UK.

See also
learning mobility
youth voluntary service