
“In the social sciences, the concept of well-being is used on the one hand as an indicator of conducive social structures (prosperity, social security) (objective well-being), and on the other hand as an indicator of the perceived quality of life, life satisfaction and sense of happiness (subjective well-being). Subjective well-being includes not only more cognitive dimensions such as the general life satisfaction of individuals, but also an affective dimension that includes positive as well as negative emotions (Diener, Lucas & Oishi; 2005). The concept of overall (physical, social and psychological) well-being is central to the WHO definition of health (WHO, 2014).”

Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse & Universität Luxemburg. (2021). Le bien-être et la santé des jeunes au Luxembourg / Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit von Jugendlichen in Luxemburg: Rapport national sur la situation de la jeunesse au Luxembourg 2020 / Nationaler Bericht zur Situation der Jugend in Luxemburg 2020. Luxembourg. (p. 242)

See also
life satisfaction
subjective/self-reported health
school climate/well-being